Inspirational Women Series: Alana Patience

This week's inspirational Biz Gal is someone who has brought much fun, entertainment and pizazz to our TV screens for more than a decade.
Alana Patience's achievements are many. An impressive, award-filled ballroom career (she first represented Australia in ballroom at the age of 16) led to a dabble in acting before returning to her roots.
She graduated from the Australian Academy of Dramatic Arts before traversing the world with her talent, but is perhaps most well known for her 12 years as a dance coach on Channel 7's Dancing with the Stars.
Partnering with a bevy of male celebrities including Larry Emdur, Molly Meldrum and Brodie Holland, she won the coveted Dancing with the Stars mirror ball two years in-a-row when she led Rob Palmer and Manu Feildel to victory.
Alana took some time out to chat to Biz Gals as part of the Inspirational Women Series.
Biz Gals: What is your greatest achievement?
Alana: My greatest achievement to date on a professional level was winning Channel 7’s Dancing With The Stars two years in a row. It was a very humbling, exhausting but exhilarating time for me. I pushed my two partners to the very edge, and mostly pushed myself to the edge. I learned what I was capable of and what I needed to embrace and improve. It still brings a tear to my eye as I can remember every nervous moment, every disappointment and then finally the pure elation of knowing ‘I did it!”.
Biz Gals: What is the greatest lesson you have learnt?
Alana: The greatest lesson I have learn’t so far in my short life is, not to worry so much. That time heals and if I treat every other human being the same as I treat myself (with love, compassion and empathy) then I can walk through life with my held high knowing I’m doing and being the best representation of myself that I can be.
Biz Gals: What is the best bit of advice you have been given?
Alana: If it is meant to be it is up to me.
Biz Gals: What or who inspires you?
Alana: My parents inspire me everyday with their selflessness and pure, undying love. I have never met two people who are so kind. My partner inspires me too, as he loves me with the most unconditional love I’ve ever come across. He’s thoughtful, kind and gentle. He reminds me everyday what it’s like to share a life with another and have it work so easily.
Biz Gals: What is your biggest hope for women in the future?
Alana: I hope that both women and men can embrace, respect and understand their differences. Men and women both have a place on this earth that is just as important as the other. Like Yin and Yang, such opposites, but yet can gel and work together so well. Whether that be in a loving relationship, a friendship or a working relationship.
So much can be learnt from both men and women, because both sexes have their strengths and weaknesses. I hope women can and will play a bigger role on the political world stage as I feel women’s empathy can play a larger part in soothing certain political tensions around the world and hopefully solving issues that require desperate solutions.
"Nature always impresses me with its resilience. Weeds will always regrow no matter how many times you pull them out, two weeks later another will always appear again. A lioness will wait for hours in the heat of the African Savannah until the timing is perfect and the right Gazelle unwittingly trots away from the herd to drink at the river. The Lioness pounces and all the waiting was worth it.
Humans on the other hand have a tendency to give up after the first try, or, even worse don’t try at all. Whether this comes down to fear, ego or just laziness it doesn’t really matter. I know so many people unhappy with their circumstances, fearful to take the next step, contact that person they know who could probably open that door that desperately needs opening, or finish their resume and email it off to that dream job they know they could do in a heartbeat. All the excuses, all the self doubt, I’ve heard it all, I’ve experienced it all. None of it matters in the end, because the only person who can change your circumstances is you. Be the Lioness and pounce at the perfect time, be the weed and keep growing, keep calling, keep knocking or keep asking. Nature never questions it’s reasoning for moving forward, it just does. It does because if it doesn’t something else will. Be the fittest, be the fastest, be the kindest, be the brightest, be the best you can be, and keep moving forward. Be the rolling stone, don’t let that moss gather!"